Best Ride

To get Service Call 7984 or get best ride app

Our Service

we give bajaj Force ride night or day services and pay by Kilometer save your money and your time

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get to your mobil bestride app as Customer for booking or as driver to join our business

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How it works

Booking call 7984 or through app for Driver get registration form submit

About us

we are the first Ride taxi service company to Bajaj & Force taxi service in the country

Our Services

Bajaj Day Night Service

best ride give service 24h get day service with cost intial 60 bir + 20bir/km Night 100 bir + 20 bir/km

pay only what counted

Force Day and night Service

BestRide provide Force taxi Night & day Service with single call or through our android app


Best Ride Share Service

best ride provide you special service share your Ride with someone or friend on your way pick up and get jounery together if your are the same destination and pay without addition cost

Be safe ride with us in less cost and save your time

pay by kilometer only what it count


Best Ride gather bajaj and force taxi under single platform


Why Choose Us


Pay your RIDE Trip fare easily Anytime Anywhere Easily top up to your account from telebirr and multiple banks


Insert pick up and destination location with one tap

Choose car type and track your status on your phone

On arrival Pay online or cash and go enjoy your day


Create ecosystem of digital services to make living simple in the country and beyond

Get our service today!

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